Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Zachary Belcher (102702) Belcher, Zachary (241637C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Zachary Belcher Belcher, Zachary Zachary Belcher
Sex M M U
DOB 1994-10-05 1994-10-05 1970-01-01
Club Epsom Epsom Coulsdon Chess Club
Grading Code 241637C 241637C 241637C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 1 white Banks, Alex W 435745
Round 3 white Haldane, Robin L 435778
Round 5 white Hedges, Sammy L 435844
Round 7 white Silke Balerna, Pietro W 435872
Round 2 black Skinner, Brian L 435769
Round 4 black Barton, Tom A L 435795
Round 6 black Sharma, Ravi K L 435858
Round 8 black Sinalkar, Aahan L 435885
Round 9 black Zeynalli, Nial L 435899