Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Chris Rigby (81735) Rigby, Chris (353357J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Chris Rigby Rigby, Chris Chris Rigby
Sex U M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1977-10-03 1977-10-03
Club Epsom Epsom
Grading Code 353357J 353357J 353357J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 1 white Khanna, Tiara W 296712
Round 3 white Thompson, Oliver W 296811
Round 5 white Gosling, Marcus L 296838
Round 6 white Skinner, Brian W 296856
Round 2 white Haldane, Robin L 326251
Round 4 white Marshall, Chris L 326277
Round 6 white Gosling, Marcus L 326381
Round 3 white Wright, Chris JG D 361833
Round 2 black Lalic, Peter L 296771
Round 4 black Buckley, Emma L 296827
Round 1 black Orphanou, Nicholas L 326168
Round 1 black Khanna, Tiara L 326240
Round 3 black Emery, Lucy L 326266
Round 5 black Nisic, Haris L 326338
Round 2 black Keen, Maya D 348245