Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Pete Moseley (76869) Moseley, Peter (356370E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Pete Moseley Moseley, Peter Peter Moseley
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1969-03-03 1969-03-03
Club Peterborough Lincolnshire *
Grading Code 356370E 356370E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 9 white Moseley, Oscar L 269266
Round 9 white Blair, Jimmy L 269284
Round 9 white Ripardo, Paulo L 269295
Round 14 white Gostiev, Dmytro L 272081
Round 15 white Nawalaniec, Julia L 274011
Round 17 white Carmody, Jack D 279099
Round 24 white Moseley, Oscar L 291155
Round 9 black Fairhurst, Steve L 269272
Round 9 black Gostiev, Dmytro L 269289
Round 13 black Fairhurst, Steve L 270630
Round 16 black Fairhurst, Frederick L 278242
Round 18 black Pearson, Thomas L 284629
Round 24 black Moseley, Oscar L 291156