Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Wing Cheng (77388) Cheng, Wing (356372J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Wing Cheng Cheng, Wing Wing Cheng
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1987-07-07 1987-07-07
Club Peterborough Peterborough *
Grading Code 356372J 356372J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 14 white Fairhurst, Steve W 272086
Round 16 white Majewski, Adam W 278245
Round 22 white Fairhurst, Frederick W 289372
Round 23 white Gostiev, Dmytro W 290645
Round 15 black Blair, Jimmy L 274275
Round 18 black Gostiev, Dmytro L 281682
Round 20 black Bennett, Karl L 285903