Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Dean Rawlins (87438) Rawlins, Dean (162746G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Dean Rawlins Rawlins, Dean Dean Rawlins
Sex M M M
DOB 1967-03-12 1967-03-12 1967-03-12
Club Basingstoke Southampton Southampton
Grading Code 162746G 162746G 162746G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Southampton C V Salisbury C white Gelder, Joe W 332851
Southampton C V Basingstoke D white Dhall, Ojas W 359547
Southampton C V Chandlers Ford D white Lamb, Keven A L 378921
Southampton C V Basingstoke E white Wheeler, Marcus L 427539
Southampton C V Fareham C white Sandfield, James W 433584
Southampton C V Chandlers Ford D white Davis, John E D 436729
Southampton C V Fareham C white Sandfield, James L 462876
Chandlers Ford B V Southampton C black Eales, Peter J L 353807
Salisbury C V Southampton C black Huntley, Kevin D 354833
Chandlers Ford E V Southampton C black Strachan, Rob L 383371