Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Alibek Jaisinbayev (8161) Jaisinbayev, Alibek (313339E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Alibek Jaisinbayev Jaisinbayev, Alibek Alibek Jaisinbayev
Sex M M M
DOB 2003-03-21 2003-03-21 1970-01-01
Club Millfield School Millfield School Glastonbury
Grading Code 313339E 313339E 313339E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Millfield School V Frome white Udell, Gerald D 5707
Millfield School V Wells white Johnson, RN Phil L 9573
Millfield School V Yeovil white Mills, Nigel D 10995
Millfield School V Glastonbury white Gough, Theo L 14191
Millfield School V Sedgemoor A white Senior, Neville N D 57145
Millfield V Wellington white Barratt, Chris F W 69127
Millfield V Weston white Isaac, Oliver T D 74327
Wells V Millfield School black Goatcher, Matthew W L 7194
Glastonbury V Millfield School black Wallis, Tim A D 7595
Frome V Millfield School black Grant, Bill L 12428
Wellington (Somerset) V Millfield School black Barratt, Chris F L 16352
Wells V Millfield School black Rossi, Jonathan L 37082
Sedgemoor A V Millfield School black McKinley, Chris TJ D 39518
Chard & Ilminster V Millfield black Cole, EW D 67089
Weston V Millfield black Sookphanich, Golf L 92702