TEIGNMOUTH CHESS CLUB (Tuesdays evenings 7pm) starting first week in September Alice Cross Day Centre, 3 Bitton Park Road, Teignmouth, TQ14 9BT
Free parking is available after 6pm at Teign Street Car Park TQ14 8ED a 5 minute walk away. From the car park walk past the big block of flats (Pellew House) and turn left to walk through the underpass. Once out of the underpass turn right and follow the railings right round to the bottom of Fore Street. Walk over the railway bridge and the Alice Cross Centre is on the left hand side just after the hairdressers
TORBAY CHESS LEAGUE contacts: Club contact - Ian Henry - if.henry@hotmail.co.uk Division 2 - Ian Henry - if.henry@hotmail.co.uk Division 3 - Robin Hart - robinhart100@gmail.com