Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Tim Fox (14971) Fox, Tim (176533E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Tim Fox Fox, Tim Tim Fox
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1951-05-02 1951-05-02
Club Seaton Seaton Seaton
Grading Code 176533E 176533E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 2 white Hodgson, Tim W 36267
Round 3 white Carr, Christopher W 37142
Round 8 white Curtis, Roy L W 54845
Round 1 white Welch, Hazel L 66879
Round 2 white Carr, Christopher W 70511
Round 5 white McLoughlin, Anna W 71823
Round 6 white Morgan, Gillian W 71826
Round 9 white Hodgson, Tim D 71832
Round 4 black Welch, Hazel L 37145
Round 6 black McLoughlin, Anna L 48168
Round 1 black Morgan, Gillian N 71816
Round 4 black Hodgson, Tim L 71822
Round 10 black McLoughlin, Anna L 71833
Round 11 black Welch, Hazel L 84284
Round 12 black Carr, Christopher L 90968