Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Peter Dickinson (11808) Dickinson, Peter (224818K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Peter Dickinson Dickinson, Peter Peter Dickinson
Sex M M
DOB 1944-06-02 1944-06-02 1970-01-01
Club Crusaders Blackburn Burnley Burnley
Grading Code 224818K 224818K 224818K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Crusaders Blackburn A V Great Harwood A white Hargreaves, Andrew L 78967
Crusaders Blackburn B V Great Harwood A white Hargreaves, Andrew D 80106
Clitheroe A V Crusaders Blackburn A black Melling, Keith D 69382
Rossendale B V Crusaders Blackburn D black Bancroft, Brian L 78987
Crusaders Blackburn B V Crusaders Blackburn A black Topham, Regan L 81434
Burnley A V Crusaders Blackburn A black Conroy, Mike J L 83934
Burnley B V Crusaders Blackburn B black Innes, David Malcolm L 87337
Burnley A V Crusaders Blackburn B black Riley, Scott L 88402
Heywood A V Crusaders Blackburn D black Ellis, Gareth L 90660
Great Harwood B V Crusaders Blackburn A black Smith, Paul L 91903
Burnley A V Crusaders Blackburn A black Whitehead, Steve L 251861