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Organisation Dupes

These players have two LMS records in the organisation but the same ECF rating code. Pick the appropriate Keep button for the one you want to keep and it will take you to a confirm screen to merge the records, so don't worry if you aren't sure yet which to keep. You can also pick on the player and use your browser back button to get back here to investiage which to keep. Also it doesn't matter unless there is some differnce between the player details
Rating Code Player 1 Player 2
349971G Keep 1 Hussam Al Haidar Keep 2 Hussam Al Haidar
105657J Keep 1 Paul A Allison Keep 2 Paul A Allison
322133H Keep 1 Daniël Andel Keep 2 Daniël Andel
105958A Keep 1 John W Atkinson Keep 2 John W Atkinson
314810F Keep 1 Michael Bangura Keep 2 Michael Bangura
343052C Keep 1 Ewan Black Keep 2 Ewan Black
327102L Keep 1 Andy Blaylock Keep 2 Andy Blaylock
343848L Keep 1 Ellis J Brown Keep 2 Ellis J Brown
288836B Keep 1 John Burton Keep 2 John Burton
327103B Keep 1 Joseph Catto Keep 2 Joseph Catto
342583G Keep 1 Andrei Ciuravin Keep 2 Andrei Ciuravin
288838F Keep 1 Jason Clemmey Keep 2 Jason Clemmey
306933D Keep 1 Nick Colley Keep 2 Nick Colley
128193J Keep 1 Mark I Collinson Keep 2 Mark I Collinson
108841F Keep 1 John G Cooper Keep 2 John G Cooper
278307B Keep 1 Dave M Cooper Keep 2 Dave M Cooper
109187G Keep 1 Shaun J Culkin Keep 2 Shaun J Culkin
364508D Keep 1 Max Curtis-Davis Keep 2 Max Curtis-Davis
359301A Keep 1 Robert Docwra Keep 2 Robert Docwra
347424A Keep 1 Georgii Dodukh Keep 2 Georgii Dodukh
347258K Keep 1 Andrew Donegan Keep 2 Andrew Donegan
278308D Keep 1 Oleg Dukalev Keep 2 Oleg Dukalevs
349518J Keep 1 Sebastian Dworniak Keep 2 Sebastian Dworniak
313160K Keep 1 Zak Farley Keep 2 Zak Farley
128163L Keep 1 Eric W Fisher Keep 2 Eric W Fisher
357304H Keep 1 Antoni Garczynski Keep 2 Antoni Garczynski
286131J Keep 1 Stephen Greep Keep 2 Stephen Greep
342582E Keep 1 Neil Hambly Keep 2 Neil Hambly
170013D Keep 1 Christopher J Harris Keep 2 Christopher J Harris
349085D Keep 1 David Harrison Keep 2 David Harrison
112359C Keep 1 Jim A Hawksley Keep 2 Jim A Hawksley
112561J Keep 1 Bryan Hesler Keep 2 Bryan Hesler
311713D Keep 1 Daniel W Hill Keep 2 Daniel W Hill
105424H Keep 1 Steve R Hodge Keep 2 Steve R Hodge
354462L Keep 1 Antony Holgate Keep 2 Antony Holgate
348940B Keep 1 Kamila Hryshchenko Keep 2 Kamila Hryshchenko
349307G Keep 1 JC Johnson Keep 2 JC Johnson
148033K Keep 1 F Hal Jorna Keep 2 F Hal Jorna
360167F Keep 1 Luke Julyan Keep 2 Luke Julyan
313430B Keep 1 Milosz Kasprzyk Keep 2 Milosz Kasprzyk
295407C Keep 1 Saman Khoshnaw Keep 2 Saman Khoshnaw
273401B Keep 1 Steve King Keep 2 Steve King
348923B Keep 1 Maksym Larchikov Keep 2 Maksym Larchikov
356242G Keep 1 Xiaofan Li Keep 2 Xiaofan Li
297678L Keep 1 Oliver MacDonald Keep 2 Oliver MacDonald
312942B Keep 1 Granville J Mellor Keep 2 Granville Mellor
139550G Keep 1 Shaun Moody Keep 2 Shaun Moody
268680G Keep 1 Gary Morris Keep 2 Gary Morris
255306F Keep 1 Alistair Newton Keep 2 Alistair Newton
302806K Keep 1 Scott N Nicholson Keep 2 Scott Nicholson
360133L Keep 1 Arman Niki Keep 2 Arman Niki
357313J Keep 1 Linus O'Leary Keep 2 Linus O'Leary
344925H Keep 1 Oscar Overment Keep 2 Oscar Overment
342328B Keep 1 Hugo Ozanski Keep 2 Hugo Ozanski
344810B Keep 1 Ram Narayanan Pisharody Keep 2 Ram Narayanan Pisharody
340066K Keep 1 Benedikt Pitel Keep 2 Benedikt Pitel
342915F Keep 1 Dominik Pitel Keep 2 Dominik Pitel
343378L Keep 1 Keith Porteous Keep 2 Keith Porteous
343331G Keep 1 Logan Richards Keep 2 Logan Richards
343302L Keep 1 Mark Robinson Keep 2 Mark Robinson
263685C Keep 1 Mark Schofield Keep 2 Mark Schofield
118636L Keep 1 John Scotter Keep 2 John Scotter
342916H Keep 1 Stuart Sharp Keep 2 Stuart Sharp
361493B Keep 1 Jonathan R Slater Keep 2 Jonathan R Slater
344178H Keep 1 Sean Smith Keep 2 Sean Smith
360632G Keep 1 Edward Staples Keep 2 Edward Staples
312561A Keep 1 Paul Stephenson Keep 2 Paul Stephenson
162816B Keep 1 David Stothard Keep 2 David Stothard
347259A Keep 1 Tom Tallentire Keep 2 Tom Tallentire
326206G Keep 1 Nicholas Tarasenko Keep 2 Nicholas Tarasenko
327772A Keep 1 David Tarasenko Keep 2 David Tarasenko
364507B Keep 1 Neko Theron Keep 2 Neko Theron
312613E Keep 1 Keith Thompson Keep 2 Keith Thompson
120393K Keep 1 Steve J Thrower Keep 2 Steve J Thrower
343102C Keep 1 Kristian C Usifoh Keep 2 Kristian C Usifoh
306934F Keep 1 Joe Varley Keep 2 Joe Varley
268730G Keep 1 Jack Walker Keep 2 Jack Walker
313034E Keep 1 Philip A Wood Keep 2 Philip A Wood
299838F Keep 1 Gabriel Wood Keep 2 Gabriel Wood
255169L Keep 1 William I Wright Keep 2 William I Wright