Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Phil Dawson (69766) Dawson, Phillip (351602H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Phil Dawson Dawson, Phillip Phillip Dawson
Sex U M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1987-01-13 1987-01-13
Club Culcheth Culcheth Culcheth
Grading Code 351602H 351602H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Culcheth C V Winwick B white Hughes, Richard L 225985
Culcheth C V Atherton B white Newman, Harry L 248854
Culcheth C V Northwich B white Spencer, Malcolm W 255758
Culcheth C V Skelmersdale A white Stanfield, David snr L 262889
Culcheth RF V Atherton RF white Tello, Mohamad W 266847
Northwich B V Culcheth C black Milne, Aaron L 219611
Northwich B V Culcheth C black Spencer, Malcolm + 219612
St Helens RF V Culcheth RF black Montemurro, Marco L 233342
Ormskirk B V Culcheth C black Scragg, Evan L 235973
Winwick RF V Culcheth RF black Skidmore, Frank D 250554
Winwick B V Culcheth C black Ash, Lee L 263574
Atherton RF V Culcheth RF black Deakin, Stephen L 271840