Player: T Ben O'Rourke - stats

T Ben O'Rourke

Team Event Organisation Score Games Unfinished Excluding Defaults Percentage
Lytham 3 Division B Blackpool and Fylde League ½ 2 0 ½ from 2 25%
Lytham 2 Division B Blackpool and Fylde League ½ 1 0 ½ from 1 50%
Lytham 4 Division C Blackpool and Fylde League 1 1 0 1 from 1 100%
Winwick B WDCL Division 2 Warrington & District Chess League 5 0 3½ from 5 70%
Winwick KC Kalmar Cup Warrington & District Chess League ½ 1 0 ½ from 1 50%