Newcastle 'E' V Meir 'C'

Division 5 Wed 31st Jan 2018 00:00 Winner: Unknown   Verify
Board Rating Newcastle 'E' V Meir 'C' Rating
117A (1658K) Gissi, Alberto
½ - ½
Fuller, David A
122C (1481K)
93A (1900K) Hirst, Joe
1 - 0
Rhodes, Raymond F
91C (1241K)
100A () Shaw, Peter
1 - 0
Cooling, Anthony D
81C ()
70L () Ashby, David E
1 - 0
Coleman, Roger
80L (1236K)
Total 380 3½ - ½ 374

Last update Steve Emmerton Thu 1st Feb 2018 15:33. Reported by Alberto Gissi . Verified By Ray Rhodes

Third win in a row for Newcastle E

Newcastle E obtained another win tonight at the expenses of Meir C. Edward Day called me in the afternoon to say that he had a flu, so I stepped in for my team for the first time in a home match, moving everybody one board down. Pete was the first to finish, followed by Joe who mated his opponent and brought the result on 2-0. Meanwhile I was struggling to contain the attack that David Fuller had managed to create after sacrificing a knight for two pawns. Our David, instead, managed to win on board 4 and sealed the result, allowing me to concentrate just on my game and to snatch a lucky draw despite having less than a minute on the clock.

Alberto Gissi