Meir ‘D’ V Crewe ‘G’

Division 6 Mon 13th Jan 2020 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Meir ‘D’ V Crewe ‘G’ Rating
079B (1236K) Coleman, Roger
0 - 1
Wright, Philip
075B (1305K)
074A (1304A) Chadwick, Martin J
½ - ½
Haack, Reinhard
073D (1286K)
062C (0) Price, Gwyn
1 - 0
Keenan, Michael
067D (1316K)
068C (1715P) Hackney, David
0 - 1
Jelliss, George P
066B (1307A)
060L () Filkin, Steve
0 - 1
Khan, Safwan
060L ()
058C (1174K) Perry, Robert
1 - 0
Smithers, Russell
060L ()
Total 401 2½ - 3½ 401

Last update Nic Wright Sun 19th Jan 2020 08:53. Reported by David Hulme Mon 13th Jan 2020 23:14. Verified By Bob Perry Tue 14th Jan 2020 11:28

Press / Admin Comment

A brilliant match finished on a knife-edge with great sportsmanship from Bob Perry. With one minute left on the clock for Crewe's board 2, Bob allowed me to tell our player he could stop recording moves with the opponent having some 8 minutes left. Thanks to this the Crewe player had just enough time to get a draw by repitition and tilt the result in Crewe's favour. With the highest grade difference betwen players of just 5 pts it was always going to be a close match. And thanks to Dave Price for providing additional transport that allowed Crewe to take 6 players to Meir.

David Hulme

Very enjoyable -- all matches

Very enjoyable -- all matches were highly competitive and played in the best of spirit.

Bob Perry