Stowmarket V Linton Lynxes

Division 3 Tue 22nd Oct 2019 00:00 Winner: Draw   Verify
Board Rating Stowmarket V Linton Lynxes Rating
116D (1611K) Green, David P
½ - ½
Redstone, Adam
118E (1551K)
117C () Allen, Vicky B
0 - 1
Gordon-Shah, Shivum
103A (1588K)
061C (1139K) Firman, Ray
½ - ½
Banerjee, Vikram K
093B (1568K)
047B (1044K) Mackintosh, William
1 - 0
000 ()
Total 341 2 - 2 314

Last update Steven Lovell Mon 11th Nov 2019 15:13. Reported by Veronica Allen Wed 23rd Oct 2019 10:31. Verified By Alan Wadsworth Mon 11th Nov 2019 13:52

Press / Admin Comment

Sorry for the Linton default it was me Rob Davies, the acting Team Captain as Alan Wadsworth was unavailable. It was the first time I've been to Stowmarket & foolishly followed Satnav which, instead of going into the centre of Stowmarket, took me through the back streets bringing me out on Finborough Road (and as I later found out) beyond the Rookery Bowls Club. When I realised that I was going away from the centre I went to reverse into a side road only to end up with the back wheels in a ditch which required an AA call-out. After I was towed out of the ditch, I made my way eventually to the Rookery Bowls Club arriving about 8:40pm when at least my scheduled opponent & I played a friendly game.

Robert Davies