Organisation Dupes

These players have two LMS records in the organisation but the same ECF rating code. Pick the appropriate Keep button for the one you want to keep and it will take you to a confirm screen to merge the records, so don't worry if you aren't sure yet which to keep. You can also pick on the player and use your browser back button to get back here to investiage which to keep. Also it doesn't matter unless there is some differnce between the player details
Rating Code Player 1 Player 2
346531H Keep 1 Keerthi Angammana Keep 2 Keerthi Angammana
152545B Keep 1 Graham J Ashcroft Keep 2 Graham J Ashcroft
278755G Keep 1 John Beckett Keep 2 John Beckett
106877F Keep 1 Lawrence Bland Keep 2 Lawrence Bland
343899F Keep 1 Will Bolton Keep 2 Will Bolton
289054K Keep 1 Ahmad Daryanto Keep 2 Ahmad Daryanto
355375K Keep 1 Luke Davidson Keep 2 Luke Davidson
358513L Keep 1 Jack Davis Keep 2 Jack Davis
343411E Keep 1 Harry Donegan Keep 2 Harry Donegan
345742E Keep 1 Jack Eccles Keep 2 Jack Eccles
110478A Keep 1 Andrew E Fawcett Keep 2 Andrew E Fawcett
249530C Keep 1 Dominic Ginger Keep 2 Dominic Ginger
359754E Keep 1 Tim Gordon Keep 2 Tim Gordon
348118K Keep 1 Ned Griffin Keep 2 Ned Griffin
352081L Keep 1 Harry Hodkinson Keep 2 Harry Hodkinson
352080J Keep 1 Vance Hodkinson Keep 2 Vance Hodkinson
344875H Keep 1 Daniel Holden Keep 2 Daniel Holden
351603K Keep 1 Ben Horne Keep 2 Ben Horne
359755G Keep 1 Jeffery Hoyland Keep 2 Jeffery Hoyland
148377J Keep 1 Barry J Hymer Keep 2 Barry J Hymer
355213F Keep 1 Niko Ilic Keep 2 Niko Ilic
351856F Keep 1 Teoman Karadas Keep 2 Teoman Karadas
345641K Keep 1 Ewan Kershaw Keep 2 Ewan Kershaw
356092C Keep 1 Neil Lawlor Keep 2 Neil Lawlor
343900J Keep 1 Hindh Madhani Keep 2 Hindh Madhani
348115D Keep 1 Ian McGibbon Keep 2 Ian McGibbon
350104J Keep 1 James McKiernan Keep 2 James McKiernan
289047B Keep 1 Danny McMenamin Keep 2 Danny McMenamin
348116F Keep 1 John Munoz Keep 2 John Munoz
352756G Keep 1 Cagan Arda Ozkan Keep 2 Cagan Arda Ozkan
351855D Keep 1 Maya Pfaff Keep 2 Maya Pfaff
350830E Keep 1 Jacob Rae Keep 2 Jacob Rae
251809A Keep 1 Colin Sinclair Keep 2 Colin Sinclair
345437L Keep 1 Eric Thompson Keep 2 Eric Thompson
306037J Keep 1 Jonathan Verden Keep 2 Jonathan Verden
348114B Keep 1 Joss Waite Keep 2 Joss Waite
348117H Keep 1 Jack Waite Keep 2 Jack Waite
326118K Keep 1 Iain Walmsley Keep 2 Iain Walmsley
121062C Keep 1 Richard J Walsh Keep 2 Richard J Walsh
344090E Keep 1 Michael Williams Keep 2 Michael Williams
343412G Keep 1 Nikodem Wolnik Keep 2 Nikodem Wolnik
349955J Keep 1 Keenan Wright Keep 2 Keenan Wright
352935G Keep 1 Sam Wyatt Keep 2 Sam Wyatt