Broadland Harriers V Norfolk & Norwich D

NCCA League Division 4 Tue 19th Sep 2023 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Broadland Harriers V Norfolk & Norwich D Rating
1300 Shaw, Olly
0 - 1
Poll, Lawrence
1342 Armitage, Richard
½ - ½
Casey, James
1236 Coppard, Paul J
0 - 1
Raff, Murray
1189 Walker, Heather Enid
0 - 1
Clarke, Malcolm
Total 5067 ½ - 3½ 5840

Last update Stephen Livermore Fri 22nd Sep 2023 07:57. Reported by Roy Hughes Wed 20th Sep 2023 15:38. Verified By Malcolm Clarke Thu 21st Sep 2023 20:39

Press / Admin Comment

Olly Shaw board 1, added to club player list but fails to appear in dropdown.

Roy Hughes

Olly Shaw rating

Olly Shaw's rating is showing as 0000 because he did not have a standard rating at the start of September. He must have played a standard rated game since then because if you click on his name and scroll down you will see that he has a latest standard rating of 1452P. As you know we use the monthly figure rather than the latest figure when applying the board order rules but I am inclined, if N&N are agreeable, to use the latest figure in this case and approve the match result accordingly.

Stephen Livermore

Estimated rating for Olly Shaw

I have just re-read the NCCA competition rules and found that rule 3b states "Where a player does not have a current published rating the Competitions Controller is to allocate an appropriate estimated rating using information from any relevant source." Based on an email exchange with Paul as Harriers captain I have assigned an estimated local "L" rating of 1300. I will remove this rating once Olly has an ECF rating. If the ECF rating is a provisional "P" rating Paul may want to consider asking for a further "L" rating to be applied until such time as Olly's rating becomes "K" rated.

Stephen Livermore