Preston 2 V Preston 1

Division A Wed 16th Jan 2019 00:00 Winner: Unknown   Verify
Board Rating Preston 2 V Preston 1 Rating
187A Jowett, Peter E
0 - 1
Lund, D Brett
162D Thompson, Peter
0 - 1
Peacock, Malcolm R
167D Reaney, Conor
0 - 1
Ashcroft, Graham J
157C Rutlidge, Cliff H
1 - 0
Tillotson, Carl A
149B Taylor, Phillip J
0 - 1
Pidcock, Alan
Total 822 1 - 4 849

Last update Graham Ashcroft Wed 16th Jan 2019 23:25. Reported by Graham Ashcroft . Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

Bad news prior to the game as our club treasurer (Conor) informed us that the pub's new owners wanted £50 every Wednesday from us. This is beyond our financial means so we may be forced into new accommodation. Watch this space. On board one Pete got a better position out of the opening but in the middle-game lost a piece. Brett was short of time and in a scramble before the time control Pete missed a draw and was soon mated. Malcolm was able to win the exchange, blocked a passed pawn that Pete had and ensured that he gave Pete no counter-attacking opportunities. His two rooks became active and this finished off the game. On board three all pieces were exchanged except for Graham's knight which was more active than Conor's bishop and this decided the game. On board four Carl was able to win two minor pieces for rook. He looked comfortable but blundered a piece back and with Cliff's active rook mate followed. Alan was able to gain a lead in development early on. He penetrated on the kingside and with a combination of queen, knight and pawn was able to force victory. First time in a while we have beaten Preston 2

Graham Ashcroft