Preston 1 V Poulton 1

Division A Wed 16th Oct 2019 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Preston 1 V Poulton 1 Rating
212A Lund, D Brett
1 - 0
Phillips, David A
185A Peacock, Malcolm R
1 - 0
Garrett, Peter A
161A Ashcroft, Graham J
0 - 1
Fearnhead, Ben
143C Tillotson, Carl A
0 - 1
Rogers, Simon N
140D O'Mara, Paul
1 - 0
Fearnhead, Paul N
Total 841 3 - 2 713

Last update Graham Ashcroft Thu 17th Oct 2019 09:23. Reported by Graham Ashcroft Thu 17th Oct 2019 09:23. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

TORA ! TORA ! TORA ! Attack ! Attack ! Attack ! This was Captain Phillip’s message to his Poulton team as the divine wind brought his team to Jalgos. First to finish was board 5 where Paul cleverly prevented the white king from castling. Focussing his pieces on white’s centre he quickly forced the win. Next on board three Graham performed Hari Kari by carelessly moving a knight which was defending f7. Ben’s pieces slammed into f7 like a stack of Kamikaze pilots. When the dust had settled Ben had queen for Graham’s rook and Knight. Ben still had some work to do but skilfully won the endgame - well done Ben. At the battle of Midway Peter sacrificed a pawn, and then a second pawn, to create threats. Even though two pawns up Malcolm still had to play well in order to stifle these threats. Peter’s attack was unsuccessful but produced an interesting game. In the last few seconds did I hear him mutter ( in true Kamikaze style) “Glory to Emperor Phillips”! On top board Brett had managed to shatter Dave’s pawns so they resembled a group of disparate Japanese islands. As the Americans did in World War 2 Brett was able to capture these on the way to ultimate victory. Finally Simon had created a magnificent pair of connected and passed pawns which steamrolled forward much like the Japanese fleet on route to Pearl Harbour. Sadly for Carl we know how that story ended. Dave’s strategy to his team was inspired. Out-graded on every board they produced a very creditable performance and only lost by the narrowest of margins. In years to come people may ask “ Where were you at the battle of Jalgos? ” Sayonara.

Graham Ashcroft