Lytham 4 V Poulton 2

Division B Thu 16th Mar 2023 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Lytham 4 V Poulton 2 Rating
1602 (1749) Anderson, Torrin
0 - 1
Cukovs, Oleg
1901 (1953)
1521 (1434) Cox, John
½ - ½
Bennett, Nigel
1450 (1407)
1381 (1501) Gamble, David
1 - 0
Singer, Matthew
1450 (1315)
1450 (1539) Karmanski, Mariusz
1 - 0
Filmer, David
1450 (1446)
Total 5954 2½ - 1½ 6251

Last update Malcolm Peacock Tue 21st Mar 2023 18:58. Reported by Malcolm Peacock Tue 21st Mar 2023 18:58. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

On Board 1, Torrin bravely stepped in at a minute's notice when the scheduled player withdrew because of illness. The difference in rating between him and his opponent led to a couple of mistakes and Oleg won in a quick game. On Board 2 Nigel Bennett and John Cox were evenly matched and following an exchange of pieces a draw was inevitable. Board 4 provided an exciting game which could have gone either way but Mariusz managed to Queen a pawn to end the game.

John Cox