Saxmundham V Ipswich

U1800 Cup Tue 25th Apr 2023 00:00 Winner: Draw   Verify
Board Rating Saxmundham V Ipswich Rating
1809 (1802K) Usher, Michael E
1 - 0
Riley, Simon
1704 (1702A)
1636 (1633K) Lawes-Wickwar, Matthew
0 - 1
Orishko, Yaroslav
2000 (2014P)
1328 (1310K) Brown, Hugo E
0 - 1
Jones, Les J
1732 (1744K)
1323 (1314K) Osmon, Lee R
0 - 1
Dolewka, Piotr
1527 (1616K)
Adjustment 1 : -1
Total 6096 2 - 2 6963

Last update Sam Gaffney Tue 2nd May 2023 11:59. Reported by Leslie Jones Wed 26th Apr 2023 09:54. Verified By

Press / Admin Comment

Ipswich Board 2 Yarolav Orisako

Mike Usher

Yaroslav Orishko

Yaroslav Orishko has no agreed estimated rating but, due to his playing history, it will be higher than 1800. This would mean that Yaroslav was ineligible to play in the match and Saxmundham should be awarded a point. As I'm a member of Saxmundham Chess Club, I've referred the matter to Stephen Lewis (SCCA President) to review.

Sam Gaffney

Yaroslav Orishko

Yaroslav Orishko found to be ineligible so game defaulted. This may be appealed by Ipswich.

Sam Gaffney