Ipswich V Saxmundham
Handicap Rapidplay Competition Wed 7th Feb 2024 00:00 Winner: Home Verify
Board | Rating | Ipswich | V | Saxmundham | Rating |
1 | 1588 (1823) | Gordon, Tom G |
1 - 0 | G Wilks, Simon |
2009 (1989) |
2 | 1700 (1820) | Irving, Angus B |
0 - 1 | G Feavyour, John A |
1902 (1835) |
3 | 1688 (1725) | Riley, Simon G |
1 - 0 | B Lawes-Wickwar, Matthew |
1806 (1636) |
4 | 1605 (1524) | Fowler, Kenneth B |
1 - 0 | B Brown, Hugo E |
1660 (1315) |
5 | 1588 (1823) | Gordon, Tom G |
0 - 1 | G Wilks, Simon |
2009 (1989) |
6 | 1700 (1820) | Irving, Angus B |
½ - ½ | G Feavyour, John A |
1902 (1835) |
7 | 1688 (1725) | Riley, Simon G |
1 - 0 | B Lawes-Wickwar, Matthew |
1806 (1636) |
8 | 1605 (1524) | Fowler, Kenneth B |
0 - 1 | B Brown, Hugo E |
1660 (1315) |
Total | 13162 | 4½ - 3½ | 14754 |
Last update Sam Gaffney Thu 8th Feb 2024 20:07. Reported by MR SIMON WILKS Thu 8th Feb 2024 12:16. Verified By Alonso Paez Ramirez Thu 8th Feb 2024 12:20
Press / Admin Comment
Thank you Ipswich for the hospitality. A match well-won given the handicap. Congratulations. Simon WIpswich win!
Ipswich Ratings:- Tom Gordon - 1792 (no rapidplay k-rating so standardplay rating used)
- Angus Irving - 1700 (rapidplay k-rating)
- Simon Riley - 1688 (rapidplay k-rating)
- Kenneth Fowler - e1450 (no standard k=rating or rapidplay k-rating)
- Simon Wilks - 2009 (rapidplay k-rating)
- John Feavyour - 1863 (standard play rating as no rapidplay k-rating)
- Matthew Lawes-Wickwar - 1806 (rapidplay k-rating)
- Hugo Brown - 1660 (rapidplay k-rating)