Chorlton 5 V Swinton & Worsley 6
R Division Tue 5th Nov 2024 00:00 Winner: Away Verify
Board | Rating | Chorlton 5 | V | Swinton & Worsley 6 | Rating |
1 | 1350 (1273) | Harding-Cornish, Lachlan B |
0 - 1 | G Cheung, Leo |
1324 (1557) |
2 | 0181 (1420) | Berry-Allwood, Ben B |
0 - 1 | G Otaryan, David |
1340 (1323) |
3 | 1051 (1112) | Dao, Brandon G |
1 - 0 | G Nelson, Gabriel |
1137 (1213) |
4 | 1100 (908) | Duncombe, Dominic B |
0 - 1 | G Suresh, Arjun |
0850 (1168) |
5 | 1350 (1273) | Harding-Cornish, Lachlan B |
0 - 1 | G Cheung, Leo |
1324 (1557) |
6 | 0181 (1420) | Berry-Allwood, Ben B |
1 - 0 | G Otaryan, David |
1340 (1323) |
7 | 1051 (1112) | Dao, Brandon G |
0 - 1 | G Nelson, Gabriel |
1137 (1213) |
8 | 1100 (908) | Duncombe, Dominic B |
0 - 1 | G Suresh, Arjun |
0850 (1168) |
Adjustment | -1 : 1 | ||||
Average | 921 | 1 - 7 | 1163 |
Last update Mick Norris Sat 16th Nov 2024 10:22. Reported by Mick Norris Fri 8th Nov 2024 11:44. Verified By Mick Norris Sat 16th Nov 2024 10:22
B Berry-Alwood
B Berry-Alwood not found in Chorlton player list, so left as new player for now.
Ben Berry-Allwood
I have added Ben to the Chorlton player list and edited the Match result to ensure the games are rated properly
He has a P rating, not sure what estimated rating the MCF have agreed, nor if he was registered in time to play in the match
Match adjustment
Match adjustment made on board 6 of result