London Women MI V British Bangla Chess Association MI
Board | Rating | London Women MI | V | British Bangla Chess Association MI | Rating |
1 | 1519 (1549) | Kowalczyk, Karina G |
0 - 1 | G Hussain, Sheikh |
1638 (1701) |
2 | 1419 (1418) | Buland, Claire G |
0 - 1 | G Milne, Eddie |
1476 (1512) |
3 | 1369 (1218) | Bychko, Lizaveta G |
0 - 1 | G Hasan, Abu |
1392 (1368) |
4 | 1327 (1301) | Boozorginia, Zoya G |
1 - 0 | G Hardie-Sowash, Nicholas |
1522 (1456) |
Average | 1409 | 1 - 3 | 1507 |
Last update Abu Hasan Thu 10th Oct 2024 14:20. Reported by Zoya Boozorginia Thu 10th Oct 2024 13:16. Verified By Abu Hasan Thu 10th Oct 2024 14:20
Thank you
No Comment.
Thanks for your games. Enjoyed it
Order of Players not right
Dear Moderator,
It seems that BBCA has not listed their players in the right order of ratings descending. So Nicholas should have played at board 2 and Abu Hassan at board 4.
Also what is the higher rating cap in Minor? is rating above 1600 acceptable?
Many thanks
Zoya Boozorginia
Captain of LWCC MI
Order of the players
Nicolas was put on Board 4 according to his actual strength. His P rating was not in accordance with his actual strength. Nicholas referred this issue with the Secretary and it was agreed that his P rating should not be a factor while choosing his board.
Nicholas, please give further details as Zoya has raised this issue.
Many thanks
Abu Hasan
Captain of BBCA MI
Rating Query
Hi Zoya,
Thanks again for a great match. As Abu has stated this has been raised with the secretary and due to not having an estimated rating last year the system gave me a much higher temporary rating of 1696, which has slowly been coming down.
I am happy to provide the email which the secretary sent me regarding this issue.
My estimated rating is around 1200-1300. I’m yet to complete enough games to reflect this.
Kind regards,
Zoya, Also the league limit…
Also the league limit is 1650 for players, Sheikh is also yet to complete enough games for an official standard rating. Hope this clears things up.