Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Adam Batson (56802) Batson, Adam (244081H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Adam Batson Batson, Adam Adam Baston
Sex M M U
DOB 1979-04-25 1979-04-25 1970-01-01
Club Yeovil Yeovil Yeovil
Grading Code 244081H 244081H 244081H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Yeovil V Highcliffe A white Jenks, C Bruce W 225813
Yeovil V Dorchester A white Waddington, Mike P D 237393
Yeovil V Weymouth A white Goater, Kevin P L 256131
Yeovil V Dorchester white Footner, Andrew F W 258701
Yeovil V Poole A white Lee, Nicholas S L 270309
Yeovil V Wimborne A white Clark, Ian C W 271928
Yeovil V Highcliffe A white Jenks, C Bruce L 316040
Yeovil V Dorchester A white Waddington, Mike P L 323169
Round 2 white Barker, Edward D 347660
Round 3 white Weatherlake, John P D 348261
Round 5 white Pleasants, Allan J D 348311
Yeovil V Weymouth white Pleasants, Allan J D 387458
Yeovil V Highcliffe Fischers white Smith, Ken L 425685
Yeovil A V Weymouth A white Goater, Kevin P L 466369
Dorchester V Yeovil black Potter, Mark A D 162112
Weymouth V Yeovil black Furjel, Andrej D 171365
Weymouth A V Yeovil black Goater, Kevin P L 215969
Poole A V Yeovil black Lee, Nicholas S L 223713
Highcliffe A V Yeovil black Forster, James Connor C D 251422
Wimborne A V Yeovil black Onley, David E L 264603
Dorchester A V Yeovil black Waddington, Mike P L 268794
Purbeck V Yeovil black Peirson, Steve B L 278279
Poole The Other One V Yeovil black Lee, Nicholas S L 293810
Round 1 black Duggan, Michael FG D 295502
Round 1 black Wilcock, Peter L 347641
Round 4 black Laker, Leonard J L 348322
Poole A V Yeovil black Lee, Nicholas S L 371932
Wimborne V Yeovil black Adaway, William L 374711
Weymouth A V Yeovil black Goater, Kevin P L 379421
Poole Position V Yeovil black Lee, Nicholas S L 419409
Round 1 black Weatherlake, John P D 420659
Bournemouth V Yeovil A black Simons, Martin J L 433560
Purbeck A V Yeovil B black Coles, John F L 438320
Dorchester A V Yeovil A black Footner, Andrew F L 457185