Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ivan Hauptman (57220) Hauptman, Ivan (346144A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ivan Hauptman Hauptman, Ivan Ivan Hauptman
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1975-08-04 1975-08-04
Club Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge
Grading Code 346144A 346144A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Uxbridge D V Harrow D white Poynton, Edward L 164080
Uxbridge D V Harrow C white Heidrich, Clive L 232542
Uxbridge D V Harrow D white Dhemrait, Surjit S D 263161
Uxbridge C V Uxbridge D black Beazley, Eric L 162226
Ealing C V Uxbridge D black Lushpa, Alex L 233827
Uxbridge Jnr A V Uxbridge D black Fernandes, Shion D 256452
Harrow C V Uxbridge D black Heidrich, Clive L 264959
Harrow Jnr C V Uxbridge D black Santosh Kumar, Darsh L 339863
Harrow E V Uxbridge D black Parmar, Raj L 360342
Ealing C V Uxbridge D black Singh, Jagat L 373809