Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Seny D Denisov (17360) Denisov, Seny D (295136J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Seny D Denisov Denisov, Seny D Seny D Denisov
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-07-19 2004-07-19 2004-07-19
Club Altrincham Grammar School 3Cs Altrincham Grammar School
Grading Code 295136J 295136J 295136J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Altrincham Grammar School V Brighton College white Gray, Edward L 63772
Altrincham GS V Bluecoat School Liverpool white Lang, Fred W 84054
Altrincham GS V Bolton School white Sapra, Hashir W 92316
Altringham GS V Kings School Chester white Burchett, Samuel M W 154858
Altringham GS V Bolton A white Logan, James L 163604
Haberdashers Askes Sch Herts V Altrincham Grammar School black Dias, Savin L 63748
Chepstow School V Altrincham Grammar School black McIntosh, Rachel L 63820
Q Elizabeth H 1 V Altrincham Grammar School black Lee, Jonathan CM L 63920
Bolton School V Altrincham GS black Sapra, Hashir L 90487
Kings Macclesfield V Altrincham GS black Parry, Samuel A L 92309
Wirral GS V Altrincham GS black Lee, James L 92328