Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Tejas Mulay (17400) Mulay, Tejas (297332H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Tejas Mulay Mulay, Tejas Tejas Mulay
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-07-17 2005-07-17 2005-07-17
Club City of London S City of London S City of London S
Grading Code 297332H 297332H 297332H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
City of London S V Reading School white Mohan, Shaan L 63782
City of London School V Harrow School white Tan, Garrick W 66448
City of London School V Gonzaga College 2 white Hunter, Eoin D 67600
City of London School V Tiffin School 1 white McKillop, Arlo W 68478
City of London V St Paul’s Girls white Shaikenova, Aizere W 93602
City of London School for Boys A V Westminster School A white Rebonato Scott, Sebastiano D 167680
City of London School V Westminster Under School white Zhao, George W 250256
Chepstow School V City of London S black Goodfellow, Sam D 63746
RGS Guildford V City of London S black Atara, Omeet J L 63812
Hampton School V City of London S black Hammond, Benjamin D 63882
Wilsons School 2 V City of London School black Kavanagh, Leo L 67236
RGS Guildford 1 V City of London School black Atara, Omeet J L 67878
Eltham College V City of London black Dhillon, Aaron D 90306
Westminster Under School V City of London black Banerji-Ballester, Kumar L 93625
Westminster School B V City of London School for Boys A black Shahrin, Adam L 163380