Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of James Bowden (17448) Bowden, James (304825B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name James Bowden Bowden, James James Bowden
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-02-23 2007-02-23 2007-02-23
Club Nottingham HS Nottingham HS Nottingham HS
Grading Code 304825B 304825B 304825B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Nottingham HS B V Nottingham HS C white Elwick, Harry W 74928
Notts HS B V Magdalen College School white Hamid, Adam W 88232
Nottingham HS B V King Edwards School Birmingham white Kolli, Eshwar R L 162365
Nottingham HS B V Nottingham HS A white Lee, Richard L 245590
NHS A V NHS B white Quraishi, Ayaan W 357773
NHS A V Bourne B white Kay, Seb W 359673
Nottingham HS D V Nottingham HS B black Grady, Sam L 74797
Stamford School V Notts HS B black Morse, Harvey L 82526
Bourne A V Nottingham HS B black Moss, Jenson L 137507
Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School V Nottingham HS B black Hubbard, Isaac L 151768
NHS C V NHS A black Bansal, Anya L 359649
Bourne A V NHS A black Pickston, William L 359681
Kings Grantham V Nottingham HS A black Smith-Rasmussen, Christopher L 362138
Bourne A V Nottingham HS A black Bhattacharyya, Aanjishnu D 373521