Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jonathan CM Lee (17475) Lee, Jinwoo (318492E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jonathan CM Lee Lee, Jinwoo Jinwoo Lee
Sex M M M
DOB 2002-04-24 2005-12-14 2005-12-14
Club Q Elizabeth H St Marys School Northumberland St Marys School Northumberland
Grading Code 277166E 318492E 318492E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Q Elizabeth H 1 V King Edward VI School Chelmsford white Cocks, Elliot L 63754
Q Elizabeth H 1 V Altrincham Grammar School white Denisov, Seny D L 63920
Queen Elizabeth H A V Sir Thomas Rich School white Jani, Ishan W 83755
St Olaves GS V Q Elizabeth H 1 black Balaji, Aaravamudhan L 63802
Wilsons School V Q Elizabeth H 1 black Sivakumar, Aranan D 63832
St John's College V Queen Elizabeth H A black Ray, Hiya L 90446