Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Timothy D Malcolm (17476) Malcolm, Timothy D (294966A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Timothy D Malcolm Malcolm, Timothy D Timothy D Malcolm
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-05-05 2005-05-05 2005-05-05
Club Q Elizabeth H Q Elizabeth H Q Elizabeth H
Grading Code 294966A 294966A 294966A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Q Elizabeth H 1 V King Edward VI School Chelmsford white Smith, Ryan M W 63755
Q Elizabeth H 1 V Altrincham Grammar School white Josan, Karan W 63921
Queen Elizabeth H A V Sir Thomas Rich School white Falkner, Thomas W 83756
Queen Elizabeth H V Bristol GS A white Darvay, Jay W 162822
QEH V Westcliffe white Cheung, Leonard C W 196815
QEH V Sutton GS white Pires, Jonathan D 196891
QEH V Wilsons white Verma, Shlok L 196927
Queen Elizabeth's Hospital A V The Commonweal School white Stewart, Jakub W 254051
QEH V University College School white Orr, Rowan L 264075
QEH V North Liverpool Academy white Terim, Bartu L 264193
St Olaves GS V Q Elizabeth H 1 black Anilkumar, Anantha P (jnr) L 63803
Wilsons School V Q Elizabeth H 1 black Yu, X Henry L 63833
St John's College V Queen Elizabeth H A black Chung, Ethan L 90447
Bristol GS B V Q Elizabeth H black Clegg, Anya L 149251
Bristol GS B V Q Elizabeth H black Clegg, Anya L 149257
RGS Newcastle V QEH black Robinson, Ben L 196839
St Mary’s V QEH black Wu, Feitong L 196959
Sir Thomas Rich's School V Queen Elizabeth's Hospital A black Wilkins, Tommy L 248839
Sir Thomas Rich V QEH black Cole, Gabe L 264033
Taunton School V QEH black Eavis, Mark D 264095
Wilson's School V QEH black Verma, Shlok D 264145