Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ben McCallion (17513) McCallion, Ben (297634B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ben McCallion McCallion, Ben Ben McCallion
Sex M M M
DOB 2002-08-29 2002-08-29 2002-08-29
Club RGS Guildford RGS Guildford RGS Guildford
Grading Code 297634B 297634B 297634B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
RGS Guildford 2 V Winchester College 1 white Pang, Vinson D 67586
RGS Guildford 2 V Wilsons School 1 white Lee, Kiran D 68484
Greensward Academy V RGS Guildford 2 black Bateman, Austin L 66966
King Edwards School Birmingham 1 V RGS Guildford 2 black Lo, Matthew L 67224
Eton College V RGS Guildford B black Wreford, Barnaby L 84030