Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jack Chaudhury (17655) Chaudhury, Jack (301269E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jack Chaudhury Chaudhury, Jack Jack Chaudhury
Sex M M M
DOB 2006-11-11 2006-11-11 2006-11-11
Club Wilsons School Wilsons School Wilsons School
Grading Code 301269E 301269E 301269E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilsons School 2 V St Johns Senior School 2 white Khan, Zayd W 66988
Wilsons School 2 V Brighton College 2 white Salajee, Ayden W 68500
Wilson's C V Wilson's D white Sherchan, Neo W 76358
Wilson's 8C+ V Wilson's A white Agrawal, Shivam L 80638
Wilson's 8C+ V Wilson's 8H+ white Shin, Minhyuk W 80678
Wilson’s F V Kings College school Wimbledon white Ratnesan, Rajeiv L 92341
Wilsons B V Tiffin B white Mathew, Johan W 135220
Wilson's F V Wilson's D white Cotton, Ian S L 180782
Wilson's C V Glyn A white Di Cicco, Louis W 222804
Wilson’s C V Kings College A white Lim, Ethan W 246743
Hen. Barnett School V Wilsons School 2 black Zhu, Jessica L 67738
King Edwards School Birmingham 1 V Wilsons School 2 black Malik, Haroon L 67993
Wilson's G V Wilson's C black Akella, Aditya L 76334
Wilson's F V Wilson's C black Lin, Tony L 76386
Wilson's 10 V Wilson's 8C+ black Kavanagh, Leo L 80564
Wilson's 7C+ V Wilson's 8C+ black Zhu, Limo L 80706
Sutton A V Wilsons B black Wong, Jen Sean L 135249
Sutton A V Wilson's F black Averbukh, Joel L 180461
Tiffin B V Wilson's F black Tsui, Gavin L 180489
St Andrews A V Wilson's C black Macauley-Conway, Finn L 222786