Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of William Boulanger (17658) Boulanger, William (303070C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name William Boulanger Boulanger, William William Boulanger
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-05-04 2004-05-04 2004-05-04
Club Wilsons School Wilsons School Wilsons School
Grading Code 303070C 303070C 303070C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Wilsons School 2 V St Johns Senior School 2 white Kuytu, Nicolas W 66987
Wilsons School 2 V City of London School white Saravanan, Aadarsh W 67234
Wilsons School 2 V Brighton College 2 white Jadav, Abhi Jadeep L 68499
Wilsons School A V Wilsons School C white Gupta, Shourya W 151921
Wilsons School A V Kings College School A white Ali, Shahvez L 160089
Wilson's C V Elham A white Mao, Ximan W 180442
Wilson's C V Tiffin B white Lucey, Cathal D 180799
Hen. Barnett School V Wilsons School 2 black Sri-Ram, Alisha L 67737
Wilson’s A V Wilson’s B black Ali, Adam L 114349
Whitgift A V Wilson's C black Lam, Kai L 180771