Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Hashir Sapra (17795) Sapra, Hashir (298470C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Hashir Sapra Sapra, Hashir Hashir Sapra
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-10-29 2004-10-29 2004-10-29
Club Bolton School Bolton School Bolton School
Grading Code 298470C 298470C 298470C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bolton School V Kings Macc white Trier, Simon W 90138
Bolton School V Kings Macc white Parry, Samuel A L 90142
Bolton School V Altrincham GS white Denisov, Seny D L 90487
Bolton A V Manchester GS white Ichim, Grieg W 168200
Bolton school V Exeter white Zhu, Pengxiao W 196846
Bolton school V Sir Thomas Rich white Wilkins, Tommy W 196914
Bolton school V Westcliffe white Khan, Ibrahim W 196978
Bolton A V St Christopher’s C of E white Chew, Joseph W 256509
Kings School Macclesfield V Bolton School black Trier, Simon L 84415
Altrincham GS V Bolton School black Denisov, Seny D L 92316
Kirkbie Kendal V Bolton School black Wilson, Brodie L 92363
Notts HS V Bolton school black Lee, Richard L 196830
Tiffin V Bolton school black Chatterjee, Sagnik L 196938