Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ben Barton (17833) Barton, Ben (287277J)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ben Barton Barton, Ben Ben Barton
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-05-09 2004-05-09 2004-05-09
Club Skinners School York University Skinners School
Grading Code 287277J 287277J 287277J
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Skinners School V Kings School Gloucester 1 white Keogh, Amelia W 66916
Skinners School V Abingdon School white Lee, Jonathan CH W 67745
Skinners School V Brentwood School white Horton, Jake H L 68494
Skinners 1 V Skinners 3 white Panchev, Theodore W 86578
Skinners 1 V Eltham College 1 white Jiang, Freddy L 86614
Skinners A V Sevenoaks white Sivayogan, Gajan W 137091
Skinners A V Skinners B white Belousov, Dmitry W 137205
Wilsons School 1 V Skinners School black Lee, Kiran L 67217
Judd GS V Skinners School black Yu, Leo L 67901
Hugh Christie 1 V Skinners 1 black Noonan, Jacob L 86562
Bennett V Skinners 1 black Thewlis, Sean L 86594
Maidstone A V Skinners A black Wilson, Jude L 137187
St Olaves B V Skinners A black Rao, Roshan L 149226
St Olaves B V Skinners A black Rao, Roshan L 149232
Kings School Canterbury V Skinners A black Harding, Guy L 163787
St Olaves A V Skinners A black Balaji, Aaravamudhan L 167320