Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ciaran Brightley-Davies (17845) Brightley-Davies, Ciaran (293742G)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ciaran Brightley-Davies Brightley-Davies, Ciaran Ciaran Brightley-Davies
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-11-14 2005-11-14 2005-11-14
Club Eltham College Charlton Eltham College
Grading Code 293742G 293742G 293742G
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Eltham College 2 V Eltham College 1 white Merriman, James L 86572
Eltham College V City of London white Muhunthan, Charukgan L 90305
Eltham College V Tonbridge School white King, Isaac W 153149
Eltham College V Tonbridge School white King, Isaac W 153155
Eltham College V St Olaves A white Mehta, Shaurya L 162419
Elham A V Whitgift A white Pham, Wei-Shun W 180480
Elham A V Sutton A white Wong, Jen Sean L 180797
Eltham College V Wilson’s D white Suthagaran, Akshat W 248390
Maidstone Grammar 2 V Eltham College 2 black Corrigan, Peter L 86564
Skinners 2 V Eltham College 2 black Peters, Luke L 86600
Skinners 3 V Eltham College 2 black Reid, Freddie L 86616
Wilson’s A V Eltham college black Yu, X Henry L 92347
Wilson's C V Elham A black Jain, Aditya L 180444
Tiffin A V Elham A black Linton, Anixton L 180769