Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of George Allen (17874) Allen, George (301429A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name George Allen Allen, George George Allen
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-02-18 2008-02-18 2008-02-18
Club Kent Junior Congresses Sandwich Kent Junior Congresses
Grading Code 301429A 301429A 301429A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Simon Langton Grammar School V Tonbridge B white Gadiot, Ashton W 330141
Simon Langton A V Judd B white Oprea, Danny L 333277
Simon Langton A V Eltham A white Chaban, Roxolana L 333332
Simon Langton V St Olave's B white Joshi, Yash D 350778
Simon Langton V St Olave's B white Joshi, Yash L 350784
Judd V Simon Langton Grammar School black Martin, Ryan L 329620
Tonbridge C V Simon Langton Grammar School black Leung, Justin C L 330176
Harvey A V Simon Langton A black Shahi, Semyon L 333297
Sevenoaks C V Simon Langton A black Kong, Dehong L 333394