Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Rohan Pasari (17913) Pasari, Rohan (307116K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Rohan Pasari Pasari, Rohan Rohan Pasari
Sex M M M
DOB 2010-05-15 2010-05-15 2010-05-15
Club St Olaves GS Petts Wood & Orpington St Olaves GS
Grading Code 307116K 307116K 307116K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
St Olaves B V Skinners white Reid, Freddie L 222455
St Olaves B V Tonbridge A white Ozgur, Orhan L 222674
St Olaves B V King's Canterbury white Randelson, Ethan L 238953
St Olaves B V Sevenoaks white Lokwani, Lakshya L 250295
St Olave's B V Skinners white Suraj, Madhav W 329617
St Olave's B V Tonbridge A white Laidlaw, Nicholas W 330163
St Olaves B V Judd GS white Rowe, Daniel W 363873
St Olave's V Wilson's A white Bharat Kumar, Balahari L 459445
Sevenoaks B V St Olaves B black Porwal, Arjun L 222662
King's Canterbury V St Olaves B black Randelson, Ethan L 238959
Tonbridge C V St Olave's B black Zhao, Justin YQ L 330129
Simon Langton V St Olave's B black Hoscan, Sinan L 350781
Simon Langton V St Olave's B black Hoscan, Sinan L 350787
St Andrew's V St Olave's black Sujith, Leo L 459439
Wilson's B V St Olave's black Dane, Antony L 459481