Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of William Zheng (17981) Zheng, William (293376H)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name William Zheng Zheng, William William Zheng
Sex M M M
DOB 2006-04-03 2006-04-03 2006-04-03
Club Eltham College Heathside Prep School Eltham College
Grading Code 293376H 293376H 293376H
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Eltham College 1 V Maidstone Grammar 1 white Kurzepa, Grzegorz W 86557
Eltham College 1 V Skinners 3 white Peters, Karl W 86605
Eltham College V City of London white Saravanan, Aadarsh D 90304
Eltham College V Tonbridge School white Hii, James W 153147
Eltham College V Tonbridge School white Hii, James W 153153
Eltham College V St Olaves A white Verma, Aditya L 162416
Eltham College 2 V Eltham College 1 black Dhillon, Aaron L 86573
Skinners 1 V Eltham College 1 black Pritchard, Lorcan L 86613