Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Hideaki Maeda (17995) Maeda, Hideaki (309282D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Hideaki Maeda Maeda, Hideaki Hideaki Maeda
Sex M M M
DOB 2009-08-14 2009-08-14 2009-08-14
Club Heathside Prep School Heathside Prep School Heathside Prep School
Grading Code 309282D 309282D 309282D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Heathside Prep School 1 V RGS Newcastle 1 white Jumani, Bhuvan W 64105
Heathside Prep School 1 V Bolton School white Kumar, Siddhansh W 64163
Hereward house school V Eton College 1 white Conradie, Gustav D 66524
Hereward house school V St Thomas More Herts 1 white Lindsay, Benjamin W 68423
Hereward house school V St johns School B white Nukalapati, Sarthak W 68570
St Josephs Primary school 1 V Heathside Prep School 1 black Murawski, Jan D 64039
Pointers school V Heathside Prep School 1 black Royal, Shreyas L 64063
Hallfield School V Heathside Prep School 1 black Sandhu, Manvith L 64205
Tiffin School 2 V Hereward house school black Pannu, Rajvir L 67332
Millfield School V Hereward house school black Fowler, Hugo L 67820