Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Zain Amir (18002) Amir, Zain (306914L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Zain Amir Amir, Zain Zain Amir
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-10-20 2008-10-20 2008-10-20
Club Hallfield School Warwickshire Juniors Hallfield School
Grading Code 306914L 306914L 306914L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Hallfield School V Magdalen College School 1 white Masacorale, Jamie W 64054
Hallfield School V Heathside Prep School 1 white Groot Wassink, Emma W 64208
King Edwards School Birmingham V King Edwards School Camp Hill Birmingham white Vaidyanathan, Sathya L 155421
King Edwards School Birmingham V Nottingham HS A white Thakar, Abhishek W 166109
KES V Camp Hill A white Vaidyanathan, Sathya W 374011
St johns School 1 V Hallfield School black Jaberansari, Benjamin L 64030
Kings College Junior School (Wimbledon) 1 V Hallfield School black Subin, Samvrit L 64090
RGS Newcastle 1 V Hallfield School black Berry, Naman L 64140
Nottingham HS B V King Edwards School Birmingham black Senthil, Aarya L 162366
Solihull School V King Edward's School black Parmar, Rahul L 249494
King Edward VI Camp Hill A V King Edward's School black Karim, Taha L 251253
Camp Hill B V KES black Mullapudi, Pranav L 357209