Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Ben Turner (18041) Turner, Ben (304615B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Ben Turner Turner, Ben Ben Turner
Sex M M M
DOB 2005-07-20 2005-07-20 2005-07-20
Club Magdalen College School Magdalen College School Magdalen College School
Grading Code 304615B 304615B 304615B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Magdalen College School 2 V King Edward VI School Chelmsford B white Rajaram, Jishnu R W 67401
Magdalen College School 2 V Reigate GS white Ifalore, Michael L 68563
Magdalen College School A V St Clares white Zdzarski, Antoni L 152564
Magdalen College School A V St Clares white Zdzarski, Antoni W 152570
Magdalen College School A V Radley College white Carmichael, Cassian W 163392
Magdalen College School A V Royal Wootton Bassett Academy white Hidouci, Wassim D 170422
Haberdashers Askes Sch Herts V Magdalen College School 2 black Leslie, Alex L 66432
Tiffin School 1 V Magdalen College School 2 black Wu, Haotian L 67790
Abingdon School V Magdalen College School 2 black Tselos, Ross D 68358
Magdalen College School B V Magdalen College School A black Wang, Owen L 256669