Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Gaurav Manikandan (18094) Manikandan, Gaurav (315808B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Gaurav Manikandan Manikandan, Gaurav Gaurav Manikandan
Sex M M M
DOB 2011-03-14 2011-03-14 2011-03-14
Club Charlton
Grading Code 315808B 315808B 315808B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Pointers school V Magdalen College School 1 white Zabolotnyy, Dennis L 64038
Pointers school V Heathside Prep School 1 white Theohari, Margarita L 64068
Pointers school V RGS Newcastle 1 white Liang, Craig W 64192
Eltham A V Dunottar B white Hill, Sebastian W 241214
Eltham College V Wilson’s D white Gadiraju, Nishith D 248392
Eltham A V Trinity JW white Khan, Umair W 261527
Eltham A V Wilson's A white Kumar, Arnav D 261563
Eltham B V Judd B white Oprea, Danny L 333336
Eltham College V Dulwich B white Fiacho, Daniel W 350964
Eltham College V Dulwich B white Fiacho, Daniel W 350970
Eltham V Wilson's A white Venkatesh, Anuj V W 371123
Edgworth School V Pointers school black Robinson, William L 64104
St johns School 1 V Pointers school black Sequeira, Robert L 64162
Wilsons A V Eltham College black Kandari, Aryaman D 256943
Ibstock A V Eltham A black Raguzin, Robert L 261487
Sevenoaks A V Eltham B black Lohia, Siddhanth L 333260
Harvey B V Eltham B black Dart, Kaspar L 333310
Harvey A V Eltham B black Shahi, Semyon L 333385
Whitgift V Eltham black Brennan, Jonathan L 363156