Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Oliver Shaw (19134) Shaw, Oliver (292425A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Oliver Shaw Shaw, Oliver Oliver Shaw
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-09-20 2005-09-05 2005-09-05
Club Eton College Highgate School Highgate School
Grading Code 292424K 292425A 292425A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Eton College A V Eton College B white Vanichjakvong, Jakpat W 69801
Eton College A V Reading Blue Coat School A white Clarke, James L 77598
Eton College V RGS Guildford B white Golding, William L 84026
Eton College A V Reading School A white Ganeshbabu, Adarsharun W 162458
Eton V Holyport white Stormonth, Rhiannan W 240289
Eton A V Eton B white Nanda, Rajas W 270714
Eton A V Winchester white Tang, Wilson W 270775
Yateley Manor School A V Eton College black Miller, Guy L 90494
RGS Guildford A V Eton black Dicker, James L 254728
KCL Maths School V Eton A black Smith, Nico L 270737