Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Sebastiano Rebonato Scott (19236) Rebonato Scott, Sebastiano (317402F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Sebastiano Rebonato Scott Rebonato Scott, Sebastiano Sebastiano Rebonato Scott
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-06-22 2007-06-22 2007-06-22
Club Westminster Under School Westminster Under School Westminster Under School
Grading Code 317402F 317402F 317402F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Westminster Under School A V Chepstow School white Smith, Madeleine W 67754
Westminster Under School A V Millfield School white Fowler, Hugo L 68340
Westminster Under School V Wetherby School white Auchi, Taymour W 85171
Westminster Under School V City of London white Yonnes, Nassim D 93626
Westminster School A V City and Islington Sixth Form College A white Filimon, Rares W 150330
Westminster School A V University College School A white Cooper, George W 248903
Westminster A V Latymer Upper white Brann, William W 347383
Westminster A V St Paul's Juniors white Li, Harvey L 374044
Westminster A V Hereward House white Zhestilevskii, Stepan W 447210
Westminster A V Westminster B white Xue, Max W 447282
St johns School B V Westminster Under School A black Shahameeran, Ashika Pennadam L 66901
St johns School A V Westminster Under School A black Sivarajasingam, Shayanna L 67313
King Edwards School Birmingham 2 V Westminster Under School A black Singh, Aaryan D 68521
St Pauls School V Westminster Under School black Lovell, William PM L 87735
Highgate School V Westminster Under School black Kung, Marcus L 93608
St Pauls Girls School A V Westminster School A black Parikh, Naavya D 163176
City of London School for Boys A V Westminster School A black Mulay, Tejas D 167680
Highgate School A V Westminster School A black Burbidge, Jonathan L 255227
Greenford High School A V Westminster A black Singh, Jagat L 365103
Tiffin A V Westminster A black Linton, Anixton L 447258