Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of George Ivanov (19405) Ivanov, George (279708C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name George Ivanov Ivanov, George George Ivanov
Sex M M M
DOB 2002-06-12 2002-06-12 2002-06-12
Club Q Elizabeth School Barnet Q Elizabeth School Barnet Q Elizabeth School Barnet
Grading Code 279708C 279708C 279708C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Q Elizabeth School Barnet V Magdalen College School 1 white Selvaraj, Hari L 67245
Q Elizabeth School Barnet V Judd GS white Shiatis, Kiran AA L 67616
Q Elizabeth School Barnet V King Edwards School Birmingham 1 white Malik, Haroon D 68460
Queen Elizabeth School Barnet V Brentwood white Molostvov, Dmitry M W 90994
Wetherby V Q Elizabeth School Barnet black Auchi, Taymour L 66452
Brentwood School V Q Elizabeth School Barnet black Molostvov, Dmitry M L 67987
Fortismere School V Q E Barnet black Rampley, Oscar L 85361