Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Kayla Davis (19456) Davis, Kayla (306709K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Kayla Davis Davis, Kayla Kayla Davis
Sex F F F
DOB 2008-04-04 2008-04-04 2008-04-04
Club North London Collegiate School North London Collegiate School North London Collegiate School
Grading Code 306709K 306709K 306709K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
North London Collegiate School 1 V St Pauls School SW13 white Huang, Henry L 66431
North London Collegiate School 1 V St Thomas More Herts 1 white King, Tobias W 67380
North London Collegiate School 1 V Bristol GS white Hua, Jack W 68339
NLCS B V Merchant Taylors A white Jory, Daniel W 137623
NLCS B V Merchant Taylors B white Lakhani, Dylan W 137638
North London Collegiate School A V Mill Hill CHS B white Wijeratne, Senan W 237455
Tiffin School 2 V North London Collegiate School 1 black Dunkerley, Leo L 67789
NLCS A V NLCS B black Groot Wassink, Emma L 137541
Latymer School A V North London Collegiate School A black Kuryan, Elizabeth L 252113