Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Andreas Angelopoulos (19647) Angelopoulos, Andreas (299832E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Andreas Angelopoulos Angelopoulos, Andreas Andreas Angelopoulos
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-06-03 2007-06-03 2007-06-03
Club Q Elizabeth School Barnet Barnet Knights Q Elizabeth School Barnet
Grading Code 299832E 299832E 299832E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Q Elizabeth School Barnet V Magdalen College School 1 white Hamid, Adam D 67248
Q Elizabeth School Barnet V Judd GS white Heard, Tom W 67619
Q Elizabeth School Barnet V King Edwards School Birmingham 1 white Agrawal, Ansh D 68463
Queen Elizabeth School Barnet V Brentwood white Gohil, Shayan G W 90997
QE Barnet V North London Collegiate School A white Belur, Ankita D 162413
QE Barnet V Haberdashers' A white Clarke, Niall L 167704
QE Barnet V Latymer School A white Rasalingam, Rishi L 255222
QE Barnet V Latymer School A white Sisupalan, Beni L 365132
Wetherby V Q Elizabeth School Barnet black Avaliani, Alexander L 66455
Brentwood School V Q Elizabeth School Barnet black Cheema, Jaideep C L 67990
Fortismere School V Q E Barnet black Hacking, Noah L 85364
King Edwards Chelmsford A V Queen Elizabeth School Barnet black Arun Jacob, Nigel A L 93329
Haberdashers' B V QE Barnet black Kaushik, Madhav D 150647
Mill Hill CHS A V QE Barnet black Tokar, Kyrylo L 248414
Bancroft's School V QE Barnet black Ives, Joshua L 352478