Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jonathan Burbidge (19688) Burbidge, Jonathan (296168E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jonathan Burbidge Burbidge, Jonathan Jonathan Burbidge
Sex M M M
DOB 2008-08-05 2008-08-05 2008-08-05
Club Highgate School Barnet Knights Highgate School
Grading Code 296168E 296168E 296168E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Highgate School A V St Johns Senior School B white Wang, Xiaojie W 75376
Highgate School A V University College School white Voecks, Ryan W 88274
Highgate V RGS Newcastle white Robinson, Will L 196821
Highgate V Bristol GS white Hosdurga, Chirag L 196897
Highgate V Sutton GS white Fear, Logan L 196933
Highgate School A V Westminster School A white Rebonato Scott, Sebastiano L 255227
Highgate School V UCS C white Robertson, Alexander W 349551
Highgate School V City of London white Pushyna, Platon L 374465
Haberdashers Askes Sch Herts B V Highgate School A black Gogna, Avi D 75183
University College School B V Highgate School A black Coppola, Eugenio L 75306
Latymer School V Highgate School A black Kuryan, Elizabeth L 150484
Westcliffe V Highgate black Shanks, Ernest L 196853
Exeter V Highgate black Hill, Charlie L 196969
University College School A V Highgate School B black Clarkson, George L 240271
Westminster B V Highgate School black Kwa, Kieran L 366119